All our services are aimed at driving your business forward. This can be achieved in many ways, and so our range of services has also grown dynamically over time. Dynamic, but not indiscriminate. Because detailed know-how and expertise at the highest level are our service promise. Every time.
We support you in every phase of the digitalization of your supply chain.
Digitalization, globalization – together we master your requirements.
We support all processes horizontally and vertically along your supply chain and find the right solutions for all your requirements.
Whether your enterprise is large or small, our exploration and evaluation process uncovers the relevant potential for your project. This is an important investment for you, and we’ll work together to ensure you get the most out of it. Discovery Workshops map customer processes and uncover greater solutions. Working through high-level system architecture and process design product demonstrations gives you a clearer picture of what could work for your enterprise’s unique needs.
After years in leadership positions at SAP, shaping strategy and product direction for supply chain solutions, especially in transportation and warehouse management, our deep expertise and leadership helps to navigate the complexity and find the scalable and sustainable solutions for your business in a unique way. Solution designs establish the flow of your data and information across data lakes, systems and enterprise boundaries – no matter what parts of your system infrastructure are residing on-premise or in cloud environments. This ensures smooth processes for long-term strategic investments to realize and maximize your ROI.
We offer on-site implementation service to ensure your investment is set up for success from the start. We partner with your stakeholders, keeping communication open to develop a deeper understanding of the product. With a significant list of pre-configured scenarios through BEEMACS IGNITE, we have the reference you need to manage your system with confidence.
BEEMACS IGNITE is our packaged offering that address different business scenarios within logistics processes. With a clear scope, timeline and cost we help you on your journey towards a successful digital supply chain. BEEMACS Ignite is 100% aligned with SAP Activate methodology.
To address this, we’ve created an efficient and structured approach to assess busines benefits, identify process improvements and develop the required IT infrastructure design.
With our Business Strategy and Infrastructure Dependency Matrix we provide answer to key questions:
There are several use cases for value prototyping with us. Some of our customers want to identify longstanding obstacles to greater efficiency. Others want more visibility into existing business processes. Still others want to improve quality while driving down costs.
With our deep expertise in SAP‘s Digital Supply Chain Solution portfolio we navigate through the complexity of implementing a scalable solution to cover your business processes.
For Greenfield Implementations as well as Improvement projects we do follow SAP‘s Activate Implementation Methodology to manage project success & visibility to every stakeholder.
Leveraging SAP Cloud Platform accelerates integration across your value chain, simplify development of application extensions, and expand business value with an open ecosystem.
Within logistics, machine learning facilitates the ability of schedulers to optimize carrier selection, rating, routing, which saves money and improves efficiency. We help our customers to build own applications using their existing data combined with machine learning libraries to generate value.
With our tailored Business and Process Training we enable your team to understand and run your processes within a digital system infrastructure.
We offer different delivery approaches for your team, starting from core SAP product training till tailored Bootcamp trainings designed specifically for your business reality.
At BEEMACS, we know that an SAP implementation must bring value to our clients in the established timeline leveraging agile methods.
Today, SAP projects start with a personalized library of preconfigured best practices relevant to your business, that are played back within the first weeks of the project during which applicability is evaluated and solution education at the workface of the project. The Fit/Gap analysis is available within 4 to 6 weeks after the project was started and realization becomes focus of implementation.
We use SAP Activate® project methodology addressing the following phases:
Most customers are looking for partners who can support them end-to-end. For us this means to have a brought network of
partners we are working with and get our team certified on their solutions.
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